Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

History and mission of the Department of Food and Drug Sciences


The Department of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Parma, created by the merger of the Departments of Food Sciences and of Pharmacy, was established on April 4, 2016 by DR. N 895/2016 and was activated on Jan. 1, 2017.

The premise for the creation of a single Department, focusing on the study of drugs and foods, is based on the consideration that their field of action is common: the health and welfare of humans and animals. The development of foods and drugs, the understanding of their mechanism of action, and their formulation require an interdisciplinary approach that has as its ultimate goal the well-being of the person achieved through balanced nutrition with products that carry substances essential for life, nutraceuticals that can prevent certain diseases, and therapeutic treatments that allow recovery from a disease state.


Through a consistent scientific production of high quality, the Department is positioned on the national and international scene as a center of excellence in research and training in fields related:

  • to the pharmaceutical and biomedical world, focusing on the discovery of new drugs, nutraceuticals/integrators, cosmetics, medical devices and their proper use and access for efficient pharmaceutical care.
  • to the world of agribusiness, focusing on quality, safety, typicality of foods, technological and formulation innovation, design of new foods, design of new production processes, evaluation of sustainability of productions.

It is the task of the Department to train, in undergraduate courses at the first, second and third levels, students with excellent qualities in professional practice, research, teaching and related occupations, relating to public health in the area of drugs, medicines and health products and to the main fields of food science and technology and gastronomic sciences.
To this end, the Department supports the conduct of research activities and provides training for experts in disciplines related to:

  • profession of Pharmacist
  • profession of Food Technologist
  • discovery, development, production and control of drugs, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, dietary and health products
  • aspects of the food supply chain (quality of plant and animal primary productions, agrobiodiversity, nutritional functionality, technological innovation, marketing of innovative and traditional products, sustainability of the food supply chain, agro-environmental microbiology and industrial fermentations, gastronomy and catering)
  • other food-related aspects (history, communication, image of food; food and wine journalism; trade fairs)

The following courses are incardinated in the Department of Food and Drug Sciences:

In addition to the areas related to teaching and research, the Department of Food and Drug Sciences is active in the so-called Third Mission, which envisages for universities the construction of new ways to disseminate knowledge in society, playing between the lines drawn by the citizens' need for correct information, the market, and the civic responsibility of the researcher as an "employee" of citizens and "consultant" to the social and productive fabric.
In this context, commitments and initiatives involving the Department of Food and Drug Sciences are drawn along two lines. The first relates to the scientific and technological transfer to the business world through the presence in spin-off companies, the carrying out of research activities on behalf of third parties and within projects agreed upon with companies in the area, with which it also works in synchrony to find ad hoc financing. The second direction, on the other hand, opens knowledge to civil society, helping to bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and awareness among the public. By participating in debates, speaking as experts alongside journalists, producing its own initiatives designed to disseminate knowledge in the pharmaceutical and agri-food fields at schools or open to the public, the Department of Food and Drug Sciences opens up to the needs and curiosities of society.
Below are the main public engagement initiatives in which the Department of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences participates.

"The Night of the Researchersi" National scientific communication event open to the public.
The Researchers' Night is an initiative promoted by the European Commission since 2005 and involves thousands of researchers and research institutions in all European countries every year.

"Open Day" Organized by the University of Parma, it is an orientation and information opportunity aimed mainly at enrolled students in the fourth and fifth high school classes, but also at three-year graduates intending to continue their studies by enrolling in master's degree programs.

"Orientation Stages" An initiative of the University of Parma aimed at students in the fourth year of high school. The purpose is to acquaint them with the University and to illustrate ways and contents of university education for the various disciplines, as a support to the orientation of the student who is deciding which Course of Studies to enroll in.

"Involvement of Stakeholders" through periodic consultations of organizations from the world of work having as their object the evaluation of the correspondence between the training provided by the Courses of Study and the demand for training, for the Degree courses activated at the Department.

"KMVero" The Department of Food and Drug Sciences at the University of Parma and the Academy of the 5Ts produce KmVero, an online periodical on gastronomy edited entirely by students of the University's Bachelor of Gastronomic Sciences and COMET Master's program.

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