Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma


The Department of Food and Drug Sciences participates in the "Erasmus+" Program with mobility activities for students and teachers. The Mobility is possible with the Departments of several European countries, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, England, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Spain, Turkey, Hungary etc ...

The program allows students to carry out a period of study and/or internship and/or thesis and/or doctoral studies abroad, up to a maximum of twelve months for each cycle of study and to receive a financial contribution for the travel and subsistence expenses. The program is divided into:

  1. Single Call for European and International Mobility for study;
  2. Erasmus+ Traineeship (SMT);
  3. Selected European and international Summer Schools;
  4. The Blended Intensive Programmes ERASMUS+ (BIP).

In general, if you are interested in carrying out a period abroad, always check the site: UNIPR INTERNAZIONALE where all the possibilities that the student enrolled at the University of Parma has to carry out a period abroad are published.


Single Call for European and International Mobility for study

To facilitate access to mobility for an ever-increasing number of students, starting from the academic year 2022-2023, the new Single Call for European and International Mobility integrates the opportunities of the  European ERASMUS+ Program  and the OVERWORLD University Program in a single call.

Within the new Single Call it will be possible to find all the information necessary to participate in a mobility to European and non-European universities, for:

  • attend courses and take exams in order to acquire credits;
  • attend courses and take the related exams together with curricular internships at the destination location;
  • carry out research activities and attend courses for PhD students;
  • prepare the degree and doctoral thesis;
  • participate in double degree programs within degree programs that offer this opportunity;
  • participate in special projects active within the University.

So it allows students to carry out part of their studies abroad. The mobility takes place within the framework of agreements signed with universities for which the student is selected. The Department guarantees full recognition of training activities like attending the courses, exams (with the minimum passing score) and research carried out abroad as agreed in the Learning Agreement, through the use of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

The programme also allows foreign students enrolled in partner universities to attend courses taught within the Department and take the relevant examinations, with the activities carried out in their home universities being recognized.

The call is usually published at the end of November/December and applications must be made by February/March. Applications are screened by a commission composed of the Coordinator and the Referents for international mobility of the Department [see below] who makes a selection by March, based on criteria previously indicated in the call. The evaluation criteria may include, for example, motivational aspects, the average of the marks of the exams taken and the number of exams taken, consistency with the educational path that the student presents with the application.

In any case, it is advisable to look the UNIPR website for Erasmus updates constantly for the recent announcements  for study.

Erasmus+ Traineeship (SMT)

allows university students of all levels (first, second and third cycles), and even after one year of graduation, they can carry out an internship or traineeship lasting between 2 and 12 months, in companies or in sectors such as education or in laboratory,  training and youth present in one of the Countries Participating in the Erasmus Plus Programme. The Erasmus+ SMT call is published on the university website (see "International – opportunities for students"). Applications are screened by the commission composed of the Coordinator and the Department's Referents for International Mobility, which draws a list of suitable candidates.

Interested students can apply for one, and only one time, of the two lists mentioned below:

  1. LIST A: candidates who independently propose the internship location.
    The candidate proves that he/she has been accepted by an organization (University or Industry) through the official letter (Company Agreement Form) according to the regulations, provided by the UOS Internationalization – Erasmus and International Home, which the candidate can acquire in original or fax or scanned in PDF format by e-mail. 
  2. LIST B: candidates who have not found the internship location.
    The list is composed of candidates who have not found an hosting organization yet. These students can apply for the call and find the internship location successively. The awarding of the scholarship will be subject to acceptance by the host office, which will evaluate the candidate's dossier (CV and motivational letter in the foreign language and any other attachments).

Students enrolled in single-cycle Master's Degree Courses in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology can carry out part of the internship in pharmacy (maximum 3 months) at a pharmacy present in one of the Member States of the European Community, presenting the application under the Erasmus+ SMT call.

Students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree in Gastronomic Sciences, Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology and Master's Degree in  Food Science and Technology, Master's Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences. Master's Degree in Food Safety and Food Risk Management,  can carry out the internship (as provided in the study plan) at a university or at a company in the sector present in one of the Member States of the European Community, presenting the application under the Erasmus + SMT call

In any case, it is advisable to constantly monitor the UNIPR website for Erasmus+, constantly updated regarding the Erasmus + Call for Study: INTERNSHIP ABROAD

Selected European and international Summer Schools

the student is given the opportunity to carry out particular programs / courses of study with foreign universities that collaborate with the University of Parma for the summer period. Depending on the Summer School for which you apply, the topics that will be dealt with during the Summer School and the methods of the lessons change. The teaching activities can be delivered in presence or blended or in virtual mode. 
The call usually opens and closes in April. For more information, consult and regularly monitor the website: EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOLS.

Blended Intensive Programmes ERASMUS+ (BIP)

these are intensive mixed programmes – blended intensive programmes, BIP. Developed by groups of HEIs with an innovative pedagogical approach, BIPs provide short periods of face-to-face activities combined with online learning and cooperation activities, in which joint groups of students, teaching staff and administrative staff from different countries can participate to collaborate on specific tasks collectively and simultaneously. In this type of program the virtual component is mandatory.

Usually the call opens at the beginning of April and closes at the beginning of May. In any case, it is advisable to constantly check and monitor the UNIPR website that regularly publishes the information and when the BIP call is opened.

Call for applications BIP (Blended Intensive Program) "Research development and innovation from the Food Industry"

Here alleged, the call for applications for the Blended Intensive Program in “Research Development and Innovation from the food Industry”, coordinated by the University of Barcelona in collaboration with partner universities such as the University of Milan and the University of Grenoble Alpes, has been published. 

The call is open to students enrolled in the master's degree courses in Human Nutrition Sciences, Food Science and Technology and Food Safety and Food Risk Management. 

The BIP includes five days of in-person activities (location: University of Barcelona, ​​5-9 May 2025) and three days of online activities (12-14 May 2025), for a total of 3 ECTS.

For more information:

Call available here alleged: 


Pharmaceutical students from the Department of Food and Drug Sciences and PhD students in drug sciences are offered the opportunity to participate in a Blended Intensive Program sponsored by the European community entitled "GLOBAL HEALTH CHALLENGE - SUSTAINABILITY IN PHARMACEUTICS".

At this link you can find all the information, including the form to apply to the call:

The deadline for filling out the form is Feb. 14.

All information is provided on the website, however, please refer to the professors






for any clarifications.


Students (both incoming and outgoing) can contact the following Referring Teachers:

  • Luca Dellafiora (Contact person for HUMAN NUTRITION SCIENCES)
  • Andrea Sartori (Contact person for GASTRONOMIC SCIENCES)
  • Elena Bancalari (Contact person for FOOD TECHNOLOGY - First cycle degree Course)
  • Barbara Prandi (Contact person for FOOD TECHNOLOGY - Second cycle degree course)
  • Francesco Martelli (Contact person for FOOD SAFETY AND FOOD RISK MANAGEMENT)

The CMI faculty members are assisted in the activity of supporting the preparation of applications for the ERASMUS+ and OVERWORLD calls by two Tutors, who can be contacted via e-mail

For a list of consortium universities, information on admission criteria and Erasmus+ calls, see the The International Dimension and The University's Single Call for European and International Mobility for study purposes of the University website.

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