Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

Joint Teachers-Students Committee - CPDS

In accordance with the Statute and pursuant to the University Teaching Regulations and the Framework Regulations for the functioning of Departments, each Department establishes a Joint Lecturer-Student Committee (CPDS) composed of one lecturer and one student from each CdS pertaining to the Department.

The CPDS represents a permanent observatory on teaching activities.

Teaching Component:

Emma Chiavaro - representative of the first-cycle degree course in Food Science and Technology - President

Serena Faggiano - representative of the first-cycle degree course in Gastronomic Sciences

Eleonora Carini - representative of the second-cycle degree course in Food Science and Technology

Letizia Bresciani - representative of the second-cycle degree course in Human Nutrition Sciences

Valentina Bernini - representative of the second-cycle degree course in Food Safety and Food Risk Management

Stefano Bruno - representative of the single-cycle degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology

Massimiliano Tognolini - representative of the single-cycle degree course in Pharmacy

Student component:

Sofia Govoni - representative of the first-cycle degree course in Gastronomic Sciences

Lorenzo Folloni - representative of the first-cycle degree course in Food Science and Technology

Anna Schianchi - representative of the single-cycle degree course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology

Sara Zorzi - representative of the single-cycle degree course in Pharmacy

Caterina Pro - representative of the second-cycle degree course in Food Science and Technology

Daiana Dellaventura - representative of the second-cycle degree course in Food Safety and Food Risk Management

Paolo Barreca - representative of the second-cycle degree course in Human Nutrition Sciences

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee, composed of a representation of the Department's faculty and representatives from the world of work, ensures constant liaison with the business and labor world in order to assess the progress of the Courses of Study, to develop proposals for the definition and design of the educational offerings and learning objectives, promoting contacts for possible training placements of students in companies and institutions.

Members steering committee - pharmaceutical field:

  • President of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology degree course LODOLA ALESSIO
  • President of the Pharmacy degree course TOGNOLINI MASSIMILIANO
  • Director of the School of Specialization in Hospital Pharmacy BAROCELLI ELISABETTA
  • Coordinator of the Ph.D. Course in Drug Sciences MOR MARCO
  • Company GlaxoSmithKline Manufacturing SpA GAINOTTI ALESSANDRO
  • Company Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A. DELCANALE MAURIZIO
  • Ceva Salute Animale S.P.A. ZANICHELLI CLAUDIO
  • Pilogen Carezza Company PIGNACCA MICHELE
  • Davines Company BOLLATI DAVIDE
  • Parmalat S.p.A. - Lactalis Group GANDOLFI IVANA
  • Provincial Order of Pharmacists of Parma PIAZZA FABRIZIO
  • AUSL Parma - Intercompany Pharmaceutical Department GAZZOLA ANNA MARIA
  • Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Parma - Pharmacy and Clinical Drug Governance Service and SIFO Young Area Executive Member LAMESTA CHIARA
  • Federfarma Parma MERLI ALESSANDRO
  • Provincial Order of Pharmacists of Mantua FORNASA GIUSEPPE
  • Provincial Order of Pharmacists of Piacenza CREMONA DANIELA
  • Provincial Order of Pharmacists of Reggio Emilia ALEXANIAN ALEXAN


Members steering committee - agribusiness area:

  • President of the Gastronomic Sciences degree course - MORA CRISTINA
  • President of the Food Science and Technology first-cycle degree course - GATTI MONICA
  • President of the Food Science and Technology second-cycle degree course - FOLLI CLAUDIA
  • Representative of Unione Industriali di Parma - AZZALI CESARE
  • Representative of National Order of Food Technologists - TODARO ALDO
  • Representative of Order of Food Technologists Emilia Romagna and Tuscany Region - FENGA FRANCESCO
  • Experimental Station for the Food Preserving Industry in Parma - VIRGILI ROBERTA
  • Consortium of Parmigiano Reggiano - NOCETTI MARCO
  • Consortium for the Protection of the Wines of the Parma Hills - DODI MAURIZIO
  • Ferrero Group -Technical and Scientific Director of Soremartec Italia Srl -FONTANA MAURO
  • Barilla Group -Food Safety and Authencity Research Manager - SUMAN MICHELE
  • Lactalis Group - Quality Director, Safety and Environment of Nuova Castelli - SALVADORINI FABRIZIO


Members Steering Committee International Inter-athenaeum second-cycle degree course in Food Safety and Food Risk Management

Company and Social Partners Representatives
  • Dr. Mauro Fontana - President, Managing Director and Technical Scientific Director Soremartec Italia srl, Ferrero Group, Alba, Italy
  • Dr. Tiziano Baggio - Director Experimental Station for the Food Processing Industry, Parma, Italy
  • Dr. Michele Suman - Food Safety and Authenticity Research Manager, Barilla S.p.A., Parma, Italy
  • Dr. Giovanni Barchi - Director of Quality Assurance Department, Parmalat Italia, Lactalis Group, Parma, Italy
  • Dr. Michele Mascaro - President Order of Food Technologists - Emilia Romagna, Italy
  • On. Mara Colla - President Confconsumatori, Rome, Italy
  • Prof. Cesare Azzali - President Unione Parmense Industriali, Parma, Italy
  • Dr. Giuseppe Diegoli - Director Veterinary Health and Food Hygiene, Collective Prevention and Public Health Service, Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy
  • Dr. Giuseppe Merialdi - Director Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna "Bruno Ubertini" - Bologna Section, Italy
  • Dr. Bart van Doogenbroek - Project Coordinator, ILVO, Belgium
  • Prof. Geert Bruggeman - Head of Research and Development, Nuscience Group, Belgium
  • Dr. Manuela Kron - Head of Corporate & Consumer Communication, Nestlé Italiana S.p.A.
University Representatives
  • Prof. Paola Battilani - UNICATT, Piacenza
  • Prof. Emilio Stefani - UNIMORE, Modena-Reggio E.
  • Prof. Leonardo Nanni Costa - UNIBO - Alma Mater, Bologna
  • Prof. Nicola Marchetti - UNIFE, Ferrara


Members Steering Committee of the second-cycle degree course in Human Nutrition Sciences

  • Prof. Franco Bernini - Lecturer of the Master of Science in Human Nutrition
  • Prof.Prof. Francesca Scazzina - Lecturer of the Master's Degree Course in Science of Human Nutrition
  • Prof. Francesca Zimetti - Lecturer of the Master's Degree Course in Science of Human Nutrition
  • Dr. Samuele Zanatta - DT, R&D Manager - Labomar S.r.l. - VENETO
  • Dr. Valeria Pascarelli - Head of Regulatory Affairs - Mylan - LOMBARDIA
  • Dr. Carmen Frare - Brand Manager Health Products FP - Unifarco Spa - VENETO
  • Dr. Massimo Ambanelli - CEO - Hi-Food Spa - EMILIA ROMAGNA
  • Dr.ssa Enrica Bandini - R&D Director - Parmalat Spa - EMILIA ROMAGNA
  • Dr. Antonella Riva - Product Research Manager - Indena Spa - LOMBARDIA
  • Dr. Lucia Giardino - Business Development Manager - International Products & Services Srl - LOMBARDIA
  • Dr.ssa Claudia Vignale - Scientific Direction - Stardea Srl - EMILIA ROMAGNA
  • Dr. Elena Ricotti - Executive - Nathura Spa - EMILIA ROMAGNA
  • Dr. Davide Paleari - Medical Adviser - Chiesi Spa - EMILIA ROMAGNA
  • Dr. Vincenzo Maglione - Chief Executive Officer - Farmaceutici Damor Spa - CAMPANIA
  • Dr. Alessandra Fabbri - Regional Coordinator - Italian Society of Human Nutrition SINU
  • Dr. Giuseppe Marinò - Study Center - FEDERSALUS Association of Health Products Industries

Quality of teaching

The names of the chairpersons, RAQs and other bodies responsible for the quality of teaching of the courses incardinated in the Department are published on the websites of each course.

Career-oriented degree

First-cycle degree course

Second-cycle degree courses

Single-cycle degree courses

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