Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

The University of Parma partecipates in the project TECO 2015, a project of national character, promoted dall'ANVUR (National Agency of Evaluation of the University and Research), which involves 25 Italian universities.

The project offers students the chance to take a test that helps to assess the possession of "generalist skills" (TECO - TEst on COmpetenze generaliste [generalist skills]), following the example of many foreign countries (among them the United States of America, Canada , Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, South Africa).

The Board of the Department of Pharmacy has voted to allocate an additional point to the average profit undergraduate students who will join the test.

The test will take place on the following dates: 25, 28 May, 8, 9 and 17 June at the computer labs located in different locations of the University.

Students meeting the requirements that want to participate in the test can register and pre-register even after the meeting on 25 May to the page and will be able to choose the date and time in which carry out the test.

For more information and to view a list of the students meet the requirements for participation is available to the page:

Students who believe they have completed the necessary requirements to March 27, 2015 but did not find the tax code in the list may report it to the email address

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