Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

PhD students must have attended the online training course on workplace safety as described on the dedicated university website page at the Post-Graduate Training section (“Formazione per Post Laurea”)


Graduate students from the University of Parma or the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia must attend the following modules of the e-learning course:

  • Module 2 (“Formazione specifica - rischio basso”) containing specific updates on the organization of safety at UNIPR,
  • The module "Salute e sicurezza: Dottorandi nei Laboratori di Chimica".


Graduate students from other universities must attend

  • Module 1: "Formazione generale"
  • Module 2: “Formazione specifica - rischio basso
  • The "Courses for specific activities or tasks", i.e. module 3: "Formazione specifica – rischio medio", and if necessary, modules 3.1 and 3.2 for those who work with radioactive isotopes and those who work in laboratories where, even occasionally, chemical agents that can generate peroxides are used.
  • The module "Salute e sicurezza: Dottorandi nei Laboratori di Chimica"


Foreign PhD students must attend, in the section “Safety courses in ENGLISH” of the Elly page dedicated to safety courses:

  • course 1 - Safety of hazardous substances in the chemical laboratory and associated risks,
  • course 2 - Safety in biological laboratories,
  • course 3 - Safety in laboratories with physical hazards (solely reserved to those who work with biological and physical).



For all PhD students, training on safety in the workplace must be integrated with face-to-face training in the laboratory held by the Head of Teaching and Research in the Laboratory, which will constitute a useful element for updating safety training. (see draft register here:

Further information is available on the University website on the Health and Safety Training page and in particular in the Post-Graduate Training section (“Formazione per Post Laurea”).

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