Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

Research lines


Lines of research

The group operates under three main research strands:

Food quality: Microorganisms useful in food production

  • Study of factors regulating microbial development in foods
  • Technological functionality of starter cultures used in the dairy industry for cheese production
  • Microorganisms in fermented foods: Developmental dynamics and implication in ripening
  • Technological characterization of lactic acid bacteria by phenotypic studies, genotypic and post-genomic

Food safety

  • Presence of pathogenic bacteria in food products
  • Process microbiological analyses
  • Development prediction models of microorganisms involved in the safety and food quality
  • Models of interaction and development of complex microbial communities

Probiotic bacteria

  • study of growth-promoting factors
  • study of the relationship between microorganisms-diet-gut microbiota

For more information: Prof. E. Neviani.


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