The following courses are offered by the Board of Teachers, jointly by the Doctorate School in Biologic, Drug and Food Sciences (which includes the Ph.D. Courses in Drug Sciences, in Food Sciences, in Biotechnologies an Biosciences and in Evolutive Biology and Ecology) or by other Organizations at the University of Parma. They are activated every year, unless differently indicated in the Course description leaflet linked below.Specific courses offered by the Board of Teachers:TitleECTSTeachersQuality by Design in pharmaceutical research and development2Fabio Sonvico (member of the Board)Dimitrios Rekkas (Speaker)Paolo Colombo (Speaker)Peptidomimetic syntheses and bioconjugation strategies serving the drug sciences2Lucia BattistiniProtein therapeutics: production, chemical modification and evaluation of their functional properties1Stefano BettatiStefano BrunoLuca RondaEnzymes in Drug Discovery1Barbara CampaniniPharmacokinetic optimization in drug research: physico-chemical and in vitro ADME properties.1Federica Vacondio Inter-disciplinary courses offered by the Board of Teachers:TitleECTSTeachersIntroduction to Scientific Communication2Ruggero BettiniAlessio LodolaAcademic research, innovation and technology transfer mindset1Elviri LisaPreclinical research: from science to legislation2Zanotti IlariaPractical biostatistics1Tognolini MassimilianoPubblicare in ambiente scientifico 1 Giada Costa Inter-disciplinary courses offered by the Doctoral School:TitleECTSTeacherHigh Performance Computing (HPC)3Roberto Alfieri(coordinator)Introduzione a R (corso base)3Stefano Leonardi The University of Parma offers the following Inter-disciplinary courses:TitleECTSDescriptionEnglish for Academic Purposes4Saranno tenuti quattro corsi, differenziati per sede, a coprire tutti i dottorati. Il corso verra tenuto interamente in lingua Inglese e presuppone una conoscenza iniziale di livello B2 (anche non certificata). Coloro che nelle prime lezioni mostreranno una padronanza insufficiente della lingua rispetto al livello del corso verranno indirizzati al Corso di Lingua Inglese di livello B2.Progettualità europea2-3Il corso è concepito sulla falsariga di quelli organizzati in passato dal Prof. Stefano Sforza con la collaborazione di Silvia Tavernini ed Elisa Nicosia. Titolo e programma definitivi saranno presentati appena disponibiliOther Ph.D. Courses at the University of Parma accept participation of our Ph.D. students to the courses listed in the document at this link.